Genuine, unrestrained musings, both political and personal, on life as a Black woman in contemporary America...A highly rewarding, commiserating nod as well as an astute rallying cry.KIRKUS (starred review)Concise essays that clearly convey that the fight for racial justice must continue in the face of backlash. A must-purchase for all collections.LIBRARY JOURNAL (starred review)Everyday Something Has Tried to Kill Me And Has Failed is imbued with the same kind of unapologetic, raw and unflinching honesty as McLarins previous work, which makes it a welcome and timely read. McLarin wrangles boldly with topics such as aging and anti-Blackness, and in these essays I feel seen at a time when weBlack women approaching sixty and beyondfeel invisible, and/or seen in the worst possible light.DEESHA PHILYAW, author, The Secret Lives of Church LadiesThese essays are a wake-up call. A call to arms. A collective North Star. This is the voice of a Black woman writer who knows who she is. A writer who speaks in a voiceperfect for this moment when we are simultaneouslyall falling down and being lifted to new heights.MARITAGOLDEN, author,The New Black Woman: Loves Herself,Has Boundaries, Heals Every DayThe Black female body in peril, a gun purchased in response to the surge of white nationalism, the loss of racial innocencethe cumulative effect of these and the other essays in this provocative, exquisite collection confirms two things: there are prophets among us whom we ignore at our peril, and the spirit of Baldwin lives on. And for anyone familiar with McLarins work, you will find in Everyday Something Has Tried to Kill Me And Has Failed confirmation of this too: her assessments of Americas social landscape remain as powerful as the love she holds for her family, her friends, and her race. JERALD WALKER, author, How To Make A Slave and Other Essays, finalist for the National Book Award in Non-Fictioncome celebratewith me that everydaysomething has tried to kill meand has failed.from Lucille Clifton, wont you celebrate with me.What does periracial mean? Its a word I made up while casting about for a way to capture both the chronic nature of structural injustice and inequity of America and my own weariness. A way to label life under that particular tooth in the zipper of interlocking systems of oppression bell hooks called imperialist white supremacist capitalist heteropatriarchy. (What a lot to resist. No wonder were so tired!) To capture the endless cycle of progress and backlash which has shaped my one small life here in America during the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. To counter the ideanow largely abandoned but innocently believed for most of my adult life by white Americans on both ends of the political spectrum that America has ever been post-racial. To suggest that I suspect, at this sad rate, we never will be.Kim McLarin, on the meaning of PeriracialWith accumulated wisdom and sharp-eyed clarity,Everyday Something Has Tried to Kill Me And Has Failedaddresses the joys and hardships of being an older Black woman in contemporary, periracial America. Award-winning author Kim McLarin utilizes deeply personal experiences to illuminate the pain and power of aging, Blackness and feminism, in the process capturing the endless cycle of progress and backlash that has long shaped race and gender.