eBook: Ways of the Leader (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bill Mowry 
書城編號: 27480009

原價: HK$169.00
現售: HK$160.55 節省: HK$8.45

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製造商: The Navigators
出版日期: 2023/10/17
ISBN: 9781641586719

Leaders: Are you feeling overwhelmed in this post-pandemic world? The one-size-fits-all approaches no longer work. You need creative strategies based on godly wisdom that bring people together and break new ground.In The Ways of the Leader, Bill Mowry unpacks four competencies for everyday leaders in churches, ministries, communities, and businesses. To generate wisdom as a leader, you must become alifelong learner who views your life and leadership as God's classroom for discovery;collaborator who engages people to explore, create, and implement new approaches;cultural detective who examines assumptions and values where you lead and live; andministry innovator who discovers solutions that are crafted to the specific needs of your community.Rise up against the chaos of today as you nurture the wisdom to choose what is good (what brings life and nourishes people) and right (what is just and fair) and impact those right where you are with practical solutions.
Bill Mowry 作者作品表

Holding the Word: Five Ways to Encounter God Through the Scriptures (Paperback)

The Ways of the Leader: Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground (Paperback)

eBook: Ways of the Leader (DRM EPUB)

The Ways of the Leader: Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground (MP3 CD)

The Ways of the Leader: Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground (Compact Disc)

eBook: caminos del acompanante (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ways of the Alongsider (DRM EPUB)

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