A vibrantly illustrated board book inspired by Sanjay Patels animated Netflix show, Ghee Happy, featuring Hindu deities as toddlers!In the world of Sanjay Patel, creator of the Oscar-nominated Pixar short Sanjays Super Team, the bold, bright colors of India leap off the page and screen. In his new childrens book, drawn from Indian mythology, youll meet the many faces (and arms) of the mighty Hindu goddesses!With dynamic illustrations and colorful tabs for each goddess, this eye-catching board book introduces the youngest readers to Hindu goddesses Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Ganga, Parvati, and Kali. Get them together, and anything is possible.INSPIRED BY THE NETFLIX SHOW: The same deities in this book are featured in Sanjay Patels Netflix show, which stars the Hindu gods and goddesses as tiny toddlers in preschool!NOTABLE CREATOR: Patel produced a short based on his life, Sanjays Super Team, with Pixar, and Netflixs Ghee Happy series. His brand, Ghee Happy, has reached an eager audience with books, museum exhibitions, and merchandise. He is also the author of the popular picture book Ramayana, a twenty-first century retelling of a classic 2500-year-old story.VIBRANT & GIFTABLE: Ghee Happy Goddesses and companion volume Ghee Happy Gods are perfect for baby showers and first birthdays, as families welcome their own little goddesses and gods to the world and introduce them to the Hindu deities.DIVERSE CHILDRENS BOOKS: Featuring lovable characters and a light narrative, this book provides a fresh and accessible way for families who practice Hinduism to see themselves and celebrate. Its also a wonderful resource for Hindu parents, caregivers, and educators to introduce young readers to their own religious beliefs and promote religious literacy for all.PERFECT FOR LITTLE HANDS: With sturdy tabs, rounded corners, and simple profiles, this book provides a fun approach to learning and identifying each Hindu deity.Perfect for:Parents and grandparents looking for entertaining board books for toddlersReaders who love Hindu goddess mythology and adventure talesEducational material for classroom or homeschool curriculumAnyone looking for childrens literature featuring Indian mythologyGift giving for Diwali, baby shower, birthday, or any special occasionFans of Ganeshas Sweet Tooth, Pixars Sanjays Super Team, and Netflixs Ghee Happy