Brown Bears (Hardcover)
作者: Nick Crumpton 
書城編號: 27528394

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/09/24
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781536238778

Follow two Alaskan cubs through their first year--and learn what it takes for a cub to become a bear--in this engaging picture book written by a noted zoologist.

Through a carpet of pine needles and a small hill of moss, twigs, and soil, three shiny black noses push up into the crisp air.

Spring has arrived in Alaska, and after spending many months hibernating, a brown bear is waking up. She was alone when she fell asleep at the start of winter, but now she is climbing out of her den with a pair of cubs to protect and nurture. As they grow, she will have to teach them how to survive in the wilderness, from climbing trees to foraging berries and nuts to snatching salmon out of the river. Despite their sharp teeth and long claws, grizzly bears' lives aren't so simple, and one day these young bears will be on their own. The lyrical text is beautifully illustrated and threaded through with fascinating facts, while an author's note at the end offers more about brown bears for curious readers.

Nick Crumpton 作者作品表

Small World: Meet 30 of Earth's Tiniest Inhabitants (Hardcover)

Brown Bears (Hardcover)

Everything You Know About Dinosaurs is Wrong! (Paperback)

Everything You Know about Sharks Is Wrong! (Hardcover)

Everything You Know about Dinosaurs Is Wrong! (Hardcover)

How to Chat Chicken, Gossip Gorilla, Babble Bee, Gab Gecko, and Talk in 66 Other Animal Languages (Hardcover)

Animal Super Powers: The Most Amazing Ways Animals Have Evolved (Hardcover)

Tout Ce Que Vous Pensez Savoir Sur Les Petites Bêtes Est Faux ! (Hardcover)

Amazing Animal Atlas (Hardcover)

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