Addiction and the Captive Will: A Colloquy between Neuroscience and Augustine of Hippo (Hardcover)
作者: Professor Cynthia Geppert 
系列: T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics
分類: Western philosophy: Ancient, to c 500 ,
Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church ,
Christian theology ,
Medical ethics & professional conduct ,
Addiction & therapy  
書城編號: 27530180

售價: $1190.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2024/06/27
頁數: 288
尺寸: 234 x 156 mm
ISBN: 9780567713520
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Twenty-first century neuroscience has discovered that in some severe cases, addiction may so constrain human freedom that the will is only able to choose to use substances of abuse. At this advanced stage, substance use has become the primary driver of salience, co-opting
and subsuming other moral priorities and human rewards. Scholars have investigated Aristotle's concept of akrasiaas an ancient mirror of this understanding and there have been some preliminary discussions of Augustine's concept of the divided will as it bears on addiction.

No detailed and comprehensive exploration of the work of Augustine has yet been undertaken as it relates to three contemporary models of addiction: the choice, learning, and brain disease models. Augustine's psychological awareness, his mastery of ancient theological and philosophical thinking, and his enormous and enduring influence on both Catholic and Protestant theology, make him an ideal subject for such research. This incisive book argues that Augustine's doctrine of the captive will offers a theological parallel of each of these contemporary models of addiction.
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