Werkzeug zur Schätzung des Wasser-Fußabdrucks (Paperback)
作者: Rakesh Kumar 
書城編號: 27573807

售價: $470.00

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出版社: Verlag Unser Wissen
出版日期: 2023/08/28
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9786206396987

Der Wasserfu abdruck wurde anhand der vom Water Footprint Network vorgeschlagenen globalen Standards gesch
Rakesh Kumar 作者作品表

eBook: Social Formations in the Medieval World: From Roman Civilization till the Crisis of Feudalism (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Social Formations in the Medieval World: From Roman Civilization till the Crisis of Feudalism (DRM PDF)

Generative AI for Banking (Paperback)

AI for Diamond Industry (Paperback)

AI for Sugar Industry (Paperback)

AI for Two Wheeler (Paperback)

AI for Shipping Industry (Paperback)

AI for Construction Industry (Paperback)

Social Formations in the Ancient World: From Evolution of Humans to the Greek Civilization (Paperback)

eBook: Social Formations in the Ancient World: From Evolution of Humans to the Greek Civilisation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Social Formations in the Ancient World: From Evolution of Humans to the Greek Civilisation (DRM EPUB)

Social Formations in the Ancient World: From Evolution of Humans to the Greek Civilization (Hardcover)

Examen des protocoles de sécurité et de confidentialité dans l'IdO (Paperback)

Ein Überblick über Sicherheits- und Datenschutzprotokolle im IoT (Paperback)

Una rassegna dei protocolli di sicurezza e privacy nell'IoT (Paperback)

Uma revisão dos protocolos de segurança e privacidade na IdC (Paperback)

Handbuch zur Bewertung von Treibhausgasen von Milchkühen in Indien (Paperback)

Manual para avaliar gases de efeito estufa de bovinos leiteiros na Índia (Paperback)

Manuale per valutare i gas serra dei bovini da latte in India (Paperback)

Werkzeug zur Schätzung des Wasser-Fußabdrucks (Paperback)

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