The Duck Who Came for Dinner (Hardcover)
作者: Steve Smallman 
書城編號: 27581509

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Tiger Tales
出版日期: 2024/04/02
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9781664300354

When Duck lands in Wolf's backyard with an injured wing, Wolf and Little Lamb nurse her back to health--but it's not long before Duck is flying to THEIR rescue!

In this fifth installment of the adorable series featuring best friends Little Lamb and Wolf, a little duck lands in Wolf's backyard with an injured wing. Little Lamb and Wolf nurse Duck back to health, but it's not long before Duck is flying to THEIR rescue! This is a heartwarming story about unlikely friendships and challenging stereotypes.

Steve Smallman 作者作品表

La Elefanta Que Vino a Cenar (La Ovejita Que Vino a Cenar) / The Elephant Who CA Me for Dinner (Hardcover)

Maggie Sparks Book 2: Maggie and the Swimming Pool Sharks (Paperback)

Maggie Sparks Book 1: Maggie Sparks and the Monster Baby (Paperback)

Maggie Sparks and the School of Slime (Us Edition) (Paperback)

Maggie Sparks and the School of Slime (Us Edition) (Paperback)

Maggie Sparks and the Truth Dragon: Book 3 (Library Binding)

Maggie Sparks and the Swimming Pool Sharks: Book 2 (Library Binding)

Maggie Sparks and the Monster Baby: Book 1 (Library Binding)

Maggie Sparks (Set of 3) (Library Binding)

Maggie Sparks and the Monster Baby: Accessible Easier Edition (Paperback)

Maggie Sparks and the Monster Baby: Accessible Symbolised Edition (Paperback)

The Duck Who Came for Dinner (Paperback)

The Elephant Who Came for Dinner (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Illinois (0003) (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Indiana (0003) (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Iowa (0003) (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Kansas (0003) (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Kansas City (0003) (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Kentucky (0003) (Hardcover)

Santa Is Coming to Las Vegas (0003) (Hardcover)

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