Songs of the Birds (Board Books)
作者: Isabel Otter 
書城編號: 27581512

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版社: Tiger Tales
出版日期: 2024/04/02
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781664351097

Delve into seven beautiful North American habitats and discover an amazing variety of birds. Includes a sound button with 24 bird calls or songs.

There is a fascinating world of birds right outside our door! Delve into seven beautiful North American habitats and discover an amazing variety of birds, from the dark-eyed junco and northern cardinal to the red-tailed hawk and mountain bluebird. The book includes stunning paper-cut artwork and a sound button with 24 bird calls or songs to help readers identify birds in the wild.

Isabel Otter 作者作品表

Number Garden: Introducing First Numbers Through Nature (Board Books)

Word Museum: Introducing Early Words Through Culture (Board Books)

The Lost Fairy Tales: Fearless girls around the world (Paperback)

Color Gallery: Introducing First Colors Through Art (Board Books)

Songs of the Birds (Board Books)

Number Garden (Board book)

Word Museum (Board book)

Colour Gallery (Board book)

Songs of the Birds (Board book)

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New Baby (Hardcover)

Splish, Splash! (Board book)

Hatch (Board Books)

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Dear Earth (Paperback)

I am a Fish (Hardcover)

I am a Bird (Hardcover)

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