Taylor Swift and Paul McCartney: Legendary Songwriters (Paperback)
作者: Tim Cooke 
書城編號: 27582309

售價: $110.00

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出版社: Lerner Pubn
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9798765629130


Taylor Swift grew up with Paul McCartney as her inspiration, but the respect goes both ways. McCartney considers Swift an inspiration, too. Through captivating photos and engaging text, learn about their craft, influences on each other, music history, and more.

Tim Cooke 作者作品表

Time Travel Guides: The Victorians and London (Paperback)

Time Travel Guides: The Shang Dynasty and Yin (Paperback)

Drone Soccer (Paperback)

The Haunted Stanley Hotel (Library Binding)

Secrets of the Sphinx (Library Binding)

Amelia Earhart's Last Flight (Paperback)

Robot Sumo (Library Binding)

Drone Soccer (Library Binding)

Secrets of the Sphinx (Paperback)

Amelia Earhart's Last Flight (Library Binding)

The Haunted Stanley Hotel (Paperback)

Robot Sumo (Paperback)

eBook: Harry Styles and Mick Jagger: Music and Style Icons (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taylor Swift and Paul McCartney: Legendary Songwriters (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taylor Swift and Paul McCartney: Legendary Songwriters (DRM PDF)

eBook: Lizzo and Aretha Franklin: Queens of Soul (DRM PDF)

eBook: Harry Styles and Mick Jagger: Music and Style Icons (DRM PDF)

Lizzo and Aretha Franklin: Queens of Soul (Library Binding)

eBook: Lizzo and Aretha Franklin: Queens of Soul (DRM EPUB)

Taylor Swift and Paul McCartney: Legendary Songwriters (Paperback)

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