One of Our Own: An Audio Original Thriller (Compact Disc)
作者: Lucinda Berry 
書城編號: 27583819

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Simon & Schuster Audio
出版日期: 2024/03/12
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9781797160924

A suicide prevention hotline volunteer answers a call that may implicate her own son in a serious crime, in this edge-of-your-seat audio original thriller by the bestselling author of The Perfect Child and The Best of Friends, performed by A.J. Cook (Criminal Minds) and Tessa Albertson (Younger).Felicia, a single mother and lawyer by day, volunteers at a local crisis center to give back to her tightknit community in a small Wisconsin town. One night, a phone call turns her life upside down: through tears, a frantic teenage girl tells her that she was a victim of sexual assault at a local house party. Felicia is shocked, and breaking protocol, she begins communicating with the girl on her own, determined to keep her safe and hold her assailants accountable. But she can't shake the potential connections being drawn to her son, Hunter, who she knows attended the same party. Felicia and her only child, Hunter--a straight-A student and star athlete--are incredibly close. He couldn't possibly be involved in such a violent crime. As Felicia earns the girl's trust and more details emerge about the incident, she faces a gut-wrenching battle between the maternal instincts to protect her child and the moral responsibility to do what's right. This taut thriller is the perfect listen for fans of The Push, Wrong Place Wrong Time, and We Need to Talk About Kevin.
Lucinda Berry 作者作品表

Keep Your Friends Close ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

If You Tell a Lie (Paperback)

If You Tell a Lie (MP3 CD)

If You Tell a Lie (Compact Disc)

One of Our Own: An Audio Original Thriller (Compact Disc)

Keep Your Friends Close (MP3 CD)

Keep Your Friends Close (Compact Disc)

Keep Your Friends Close (Paperback)

One Little Mistake: A Novella (MP3 CD)

Perfect Child (Paperback)

Phantom Limb (Paperback)

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