Dad, I just want to know how to not become a hashtag. In this gripping read, biracial siblings Reed and Olive hadn't planned on navigating racial inequality or being roughed up by police on the subway, but as they face the truths and pains of being a person of color, they also lean into knowing their rights and fostering conversations about change and acceptance.
"In?Come Home Safe, Brian Buckmire has crafted a story that looks the reality of police brutality in the eye and still manages to come away with hope. It is a powerful book about the necessity of 'the talk' and what it means to be a teenager in our times."--New York Times bestselling author and ABC News anchor Linsey Davis
On the subway ride home, Reed just wants to watch videos of his soccer idol, but reality crashes in when police officers question him about a suspect who matches his description. With tact and poise, Reed defends himself, but ultimately knows there is no easy way out of this conflict.
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