eBook: Nature Poem for Every Day of the Year (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jane McMorland Hunter 
分類: Poetry anthologies (various poets) ,
Poetry (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27597065

售價: $234.00

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製造商: Batsford
出版日期: 2020/11/27
ISBN: 9781849945714
>> 相關實體書

365 poems celebrating nature and the changing seasons. This is the perfect bedside companion for any nature or poetry fan, featuring famous odes from big-name poets alongside unsung poems from less-well-known writers. Each poem is chosen to chime with the natural world through the seasons. Spring is a time of hope, a season of new life with William Wordsworth's daffodils, John Clare's lambs and Christina Rossetti's birdsong. Summer shifts into a time of leisure with long idyllic holidays in the countryside. According to Henry James, the two most beautiful words in the English language were 'summer afternoon', a sentiment echoed by Edward Thomas and Emily Dickinson. John Keats, William Blake and W. H. Auden are the poets we associate with autumn and this is possibly the most poetic season. The natural world, and the human one, hold onto the last lingering memories of summer before they turn to face the oncoming hardships of winter. Amy Lowell and George Meredith perfectly frame this time of year with their silver-fringed leaves and crimson berries. Winter can be savoured in poetry, rather than endured; bleak grey days are transformed into a world of glittering frost and snow-blanketed landscapes. Even in the darkest days life continues and soon we can turn our attention to the rebirth of spring. A wonderful collection of poems that help mark the daily turn of the seasons and all the rituals marking the significant moments of the year, from Candlemas to Christmas.
Jane McMorland Hunter 作者作品表

Favourite Poems of London (Hardcover)

100 Poems to Help You Sleep (Hardcover)

Poetry of Love for Every Day of the Year (Hardcover)

A Nature Poem for every Autumn Evening (Hardcover)

A Happy Poem to Start Every Day (Hardcover)

Bedside Companion for Travel Lovers: An anthology of intrepid journeys for every day of the year (Hardcover)

100 Happy Poems: To raise your spirits every day (Hardcover)

Bedside Companion for Food Lovers: An anthology of mouthwatering literary morsels for every night of the year (Hardcover)

A Nature Poem for Every Spring Evening (Hardcover)

A Nature Poem for Every Winter Evening (Hardcover)

eBook: Nature Poem for Every Day of the Year (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Favourite Poems of London (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nature Poem for Every Night of the Year (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Friends: A Poem for Every Day of the Year (DRM EPUB)

Quinces (Paperback)

eBook: For the Love of an Orchard (DRM EPUB)

Classic Readings and Poems: a collection for weddings, christenings, funerals and all occasions (Hardcover)

Ode to London (Hardcover)

eBook: Basic Gardening: A step by step guide to garden care and growing fruit, flowers and vegetables (DRM EPUB)

For the Love of an Orchard (Hardcover)

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