The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh (Hardcover)
作者: Chaman Lal 
分類: Asian history ,
Indian sub-continent  
書城編號: 27597602

原價: HK$1120.00
現售: HK$1064 節省: HK$56

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出版社: Monthly Review Pr
出版日期: 2024/01/09
重量: 0.47 kg
ISBN: 9781685900670


Early essays by a legendary freedom fighter and Indian intellectual

"The state, the government machinery is just a weapon in the hands of the ruling class to further and safeguard its interest. We want to snatch and handle it to utilize it for the consummation of our ideal, that is, social reconstruction on a new, that is, Marxist, basis." - Bhagat Singh

The young martyr Bhagat Singh is a legend of the Indian anti-colonial struggle. He was not just a man of action, but of great intellect and deep insight.

While still in his early teens, he showed a depth of understanding of Indian political reality. He read widely and became fluent in several Indian languages, as well as English. Moreover, he wrote insightful political essays, ones that a much older person would have been proud to have written.

It is not only that his call to arms against the British imperialists inspired Indians - young and old. It is that his written works continue to stir the minds of all those who seek a world where everyone is equal, and all can fully develop their capacities. He is as much a part of the Indian radical tradition today as he was one hundred years ago.

Chaman Lal 作者作品表

The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh (Paperback)

The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh (Hardcover)

The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh (Paperback)

The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh (Paperback)

Hindu America (Hardcover)

Hindu America (Paperback)

Bhagat Singh Reader (Paperback)

eBook: Spiritual Stories from India (DRM PDF)

eBook: Spiritual Stories from India (DRM EPUB)

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