Macroeconomics (Paperback)
作者: Prabhat Patnaik 
書城編號: 27599487

售價: $110.00

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出版社: Oxford Univ Pr
出版日期: 1997/05/15
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9780195641646

This volume is a collection of essays dealing with macroeconomic issues such as the constraints on India's economic growth, the rationale and limitations of the Mahalanobis strategy, the reasons for the atrophy of the planning proces, the nature of the Indian state, and the consequences of opening up the Indian economy. The authors dealing with these issues do not just give their own points of view; rather they attempt to discuss these issues primarily through a critical survey of the economic literature. A sizeable body of writing has emerged in recent years dealing with the macroeconomics of the Indian economy in its specificity. This volume brings to the reader an overview of this work, locates it within the general literature of macroeconomics, and also provides a classified bibliography of the work in this area.
Prabhat Patnaik 作者作品表

eBook: Beyond Liberalism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Beyond Liberalism (DRM EPUB)

Capitalism and Individual Freedom - A Marxist Economic Critique of Liberalism (Hardcover)

Macroeconomics (Paperback)

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