Building Green Software: A Sustainable Approach to Software Development and Operations (Paperback)
作者: Anne Currie 
分類: Business & management ,
Conservation of the environment ,
Systems analysis & design  
書城編號: 27607242

原價: HK$550.00
現售: HK$522.5 節省: HK$27.5

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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2024/09/03
ISBN: 9781098150624
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How will software development and operations have to change to meet the sustainability and green needs of the planet? And what does that imply for development organizations? In this eye-opening book, sustainable software advocates Anne Currie, Sarah Hsu, and Sara Bergman provide a unique overview of this topic--discussing everything from the likely evolution of national grids to the effect those changes will have on the day-to-day lives of developers.

Ideal for everyone from new developers to CTOs, Building Green Software tackles the challenges involved and shows you how to build, host, and operate code in a way that's not only better for the planet but also cheaper and relatively low-risk for your business. Most hyperscale public cloud providers have already committed to net-zero IT operations by 2030. This book shows you how to get on board.

You'll explore:

  • How the energy transition is likely to change hosting on prem and in the cloud--and how your company can prepare
  • The fundamental architectural principles of sustainable software development and how to apply them
  • How to determine which parts of your system need to change
  • The concept of extending hardware longevity and the part that software plays
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