The Baddest Virgin in Texas (Compact Disc)
作者: Maggie Shayne 
書城編號: 27609707

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2023/06/20
ISBN: 9798874651190

Jessi Brand always gets what she wants. And what she wants is part-time ranch hand, part time deputy, and full-time hunk, Lash Monroe. Unfortunately, her five big (really big) brothers have other ideas. So does Lash, who got his fill of large families and overbearing "brothers" during his childhood in foster care. He's a loner and a drifter and he intends to stay that way. Can the youngest Brand on the ranch handle six uncooperative males and land the man of her dreams? Maybe, but when trouble finds Lash and he heads off to face it alone, everything else takes a back seat, because the Brand family sticks together, and like it or not, Lash has become a part of that family. Much as he doesn't want their help, the cavalry shows up, with Jessi leading the charge. Contains mature themes.
Maggie Shayne 作者作品表

Harrison Hyde and the Runaway Bride (Paperback)

The Mermaid Murder: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

eBook: Mermaid Murder (DRM EPUB)

Gingerbread Man: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

Cry Wolf: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

Girl Blue: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

eBook: Witchery (DRM EPUB)

Badlands Bad Boy (MP3 CD)

Badlands Bad Boy (Compact Disc)

The Baddest Virgin in Texas (MP3 CD)

The Baddest Virgin in Texas (Compact Disc)

Young Rhiannon in the Temple of Isis (Paperback)

The Littlest Cowboy (Compact Disc)

The Littlest Cowboy (MP3 CD)

Fatal Phantasm (Paperback)

Fatal Family Secrets (Paperback)

Fatal Fixer Upper (Paperback)

Fatal, But Festive (Paperback)

A Mommy for Christmas (Paperback)

Sweet Vidalia Brand (Paperback)

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