eBook: Psychology of Fear in Organizations: How to Transform Anxiety into Well-being, Productivity and Innovation (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Sheila M. Keegan, Tanya Eby 
分類: Occupational & industrial psychology ,
Personnel & human resources management ,
Office & workplace  
書城編號: 27611358

原價: HK$559.00
現售: HK$531.05 節省: HK$27.95

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製造商: Brilliance Audio
出版日期: 2018/03/27
ISBN: 9781543639209

In the context of global economic recession, fear has become institutionalized in many organizations, both in the private and public sectors. Board directors are under pressure from shareholders, senior executives are attempting to maintain sales in a nervous market and many people are concerned about job security and maintaining their living standards. The Psychology of Fear in Organizations shows how fear manifests itself in large organizations, how it impacts on the workforce and how by reducing our willingness to take risks and to innovate, it can inhibit economic growth and innovation, at both an individual and corporate level.The Psychology of Fear in Organizations examines the psychological barriers to innovation and presents initiatives to loosen the paralysis caused by the economic downturn. It presents psychological theory in an accessible way to provide a better understanding of the needs and fears of people and how they can be supported to improve productivity and innovation. Online supporting resources include lecture slides on how to harness fear to fuel innovation.

Tanya Eby 作者作品表

tiny love poems (Hardcover)

eBook: Blunder Woman (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Synchronicity (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Easy Does It (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tunnel Vision And Other Stories From The Edge (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tuesday Girl - A Memoir (DRM EPUB)

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