eBook: Judas kiss: Treason and betrayal in six modern Irish novels (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Gerry Smyth 
分類: Literary studies: from c 1900 - ,
Irish Gaelic  
書城編號: 27616224

售價: $234.00

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製造商: Manchester University Press
出版日期: 2015/05/01
頁數: 264
ISBN: 9780719098253
>> 相關實體書

This book argues that modern Irish history encompasses a deep-seated fear of betrayal, and that this fear has been especially prevalent since the revolutionary period at the outset of the twentieth century. The author goes on to argue that the novel is the literary form most apt for the exploration of betrayal in its social, political and psychological dimensions. The significance of this thesis comes into focus in terms of a number of recent developments - most notably, the economic downturn (and the political and civic betrayals implicated therein) and revelations of the Catholic Church's failure in its pastoral mission. As many observers note, such developments have brought the language of betrayal to the forefront of contemporary Irish life. This book offers a powerful analysis of modern Irish history as regarded from the perspective of some its most incisive minds, including James Joyce, Liam O'Flaherty, Elizabeth Bowen, Francis Stuart, Eugene McCabe and Anne Enright.
Gerry Smyth 作者作品表

Serpent, Siren, Maelstrom, and Myth: Sea Stories and Folktales from Around the World (Hardcover)

Serpent, Siren, Maelstrom & Myth: Sea Stories and Folktales from Around the World (Hardcover)

Sailor Song: The Shanties and Ballads of the High Seas (Hardcover)

eBook: Music and Sound in the Life and Literature of James Joyce: Joyces Noyces (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Music and Sound in the Life and Literature of James Joyce: Joyces Noyces (DRM PDF)

Judas Kiss (Paperback)

eBook: Music and Irish Identity: Celtic Tiger Blues (DRM PDF)

eBook: Music and Irish Identity: Celtic Tiger Blues (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Judas kiss: Treason and betrayal in six modern Irish novels (DRM PDF)

eBook: Judas kiss: Treason and betrayal in six modern Irish novels (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Space and the Irish Cultural Imagination (DRM PDF)

Decolonisation and Criticism: The Construction of Irish Literature (Paperback)

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