eBook: Love Without End (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robin Lee Hatcher 
系列: A Kings Meadow Romance
分類: Fiction & related items  
書城編號: 27617927

售價: $156.00

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製造商: Thomas Nelson
出版日期: 2014/11/25
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781401687687
>> 相關實體書

For two single parents with bruised hearts, it'll take more than a little courage to get back on the horse when it comes to love.Kimberly Welch lost her husband to a heart attack in the blink of an eye. But she's losing her daughter slowly, in the day-to-day tension. In three difficult years, Kimberly has gone from Seattle socialite to Kings Meadow charity case, and her daughter is not responding well to the changes. She's becoming a sullen, cantankerous teen.Chet Leonard lost his teenage son in a car accident. Then his wife abandoned him and their two remaining boys. He tries to keep his mind on the family ranch, but if the last two years have taught him anything, it's that sometimes you just have to let the memories hurt. Let the memories hurt, and leave well enough alone.But when Chet volunteers to help tame Kimberly's daughter's horse, everyone gets more than they bargained for . . . especially when eighty-four-year-old Anna McKenna shows up.Nana Anna has reappeared in Kings Meadow after decades away, bringing with her the magnetism and transformative joy that come from a life well lived . . . just the kind of magic that a couple of unlucky-in-love single parents need to conjure up a little courage and raise a new family from the ashes of tragedy."Hatcher crafts a lovely installment of the Kings Meadow Romance and readers will want more of the Idaho ranchers. It takes us into the healing power of horses and God's ability to create community where it is most needed." Romantic Times, 4-1/2 star review
A Kings Meadow Romance

eBook: Kings Meadow Romance Collection: Love without End, Whenever You Come Around, and Keeper of the Stars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Keeper of the Stars (DRM PDF)

eBook: Keeper of the Stars (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Whenever You Come Around (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Love Without End (DRM PDF)

eBook: Love Without End (DRM EPUB)

Robin Lee Hatcher 作者作品表

Wishing for Mistletoe: A Small Town Christian Romance (Paperback)

Rich Beyond Measure: Zlata's Story (Paperback)

To Marry an English Lord (MP3 CD)

To Marry an English Lord (Compact Disc)

To Marry an English Lord: A Sweet Western Romance (Paperback)

A Wish and a Prayer (Paperback)

The Forgiving Hour (Paperback)

Beyond the Shadows (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (Compact Disc)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart: A Sweet Victorian Romance (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (MP3 CD)

Like the Wind ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

All She Ever Dreamed: A Christian Western Romance (Paperback)

Like the Wind (Compact Disc)

Like the Wind (MP3 CD)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM PDF)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM PDF)

I'll Be Seeing You (Compact Disc)

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