eBook: Whenever You Come Around (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robin Lee Hatcher 
系列: A Kings Meadow Romance
分類: Fiction & related items ,
書城編號: 27617929

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Thomas Nelson
出版日期: 2015/05/12
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781401687700
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Just when Charity's wild imagination failed her, a flesh-and-blood hero walked into her life.Best-selling author Charity Anderson returns to her hometown of Kings Meadow to defeat a bad case of writer's block. She imagines she'll spend a lonely summer writing and then return to her home in Boise. She soon finds herself caring for Buck Malone, a wilderness guideand the object of her unrequited teenage crush. But what else can she do? Her dog Cocoa caused the accident that left Buck with a broken ankle and wrist, taking him off the trail for weeks of prime tourist-season work.Buck and Charity have gone different ways since high school, and at first it seems they have little in common. Buck loves the simple, low-key life he's made for himself in the mountains of Idaho, and she's a woman accustomed to the faster, bustling pace of the city. But spending so much time together has Buck hoping to change her mind about staying in the small town she thought she'd left behind for good.It's a summer for discovering that young love is a spark not soon extinguished.
A Kings Meadow Romance

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Robin Lee Hatcher 作者作品表

Wishing for Mistletoe: A Small Town Christian Romance (Paperback)

Rich Beyond Measure: Zlata's Story (Paperback)

To Marry an English Lord (MP3 CD)

To Marry an English Lord (Compact Disc)

To Marry an English Lord: A Sweet Western Romance (Paperback)

A Wish and a Prayer (Paperback)

The Forgiving Hour (Paperback)

Beyond the Shadows (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (Compact Disc)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart: A Sweet Victorian Romance (Paperback)

To Enchant a Lady's Heart (MP3 CD)

Like the Wind ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

All She Ever Dreamed: A Christian Western Romance (Paperback)

Like the Wind (Compact Disc)

Like the Wind (MP3 CD)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM PDF)

eBook: Like the Wind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM EPUB)

eBook: I'll Be Seeing You (DRM PDF)

I'll Be Seeing You (Compact Disc)

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