eBook: Night Night Prayer (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Amy Parker 
分類: Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories  
書城編號: 27619212

售價: $91.00

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製造商: Thomas Nelson
出版日期: 2008/06/15
頁數: 20
ISBN: 9781418590352

Shhh, it's time for sleeping, for getting snuggly in my bed. But first, I say my night night prayer and bow my sleepy head. Shh, the puppy's sleeping, a toy under his chin. When he rouses from his sleep, we'll play hide-and-seek again. Night night, puppy. This lovable little nighttime prayer book has interactive dialogue for a child to repeat as they look around their world to see the sleeping sun, trees, puppy, baby, etc. The repetition within the text and the reassuring message help little ones calm down and prepare to go to sleep. This bedtime book introduces thanksfulness and prayer in an evening routine. Accompanied by endearing illustrations that depict a cozy bedtime, A Night Night Prayer will quickly become a "read it one more time" book for young children.
Amy Parker 作者作品表

This Is the Day God Made for You! (Board Books)

Read and Learn: 5-Minute Bible Stories for Kids (Hardcover)

Love Devotional (Hardcover)

Hope Devotional (Hardcover)

Faith Devotional (Hardcover)

Faith, Hope, Love Devotional (Paperback)

365 Talks with Jesus: Prayers to Share with Little Ones (Hardcover)

Little Box of Night Night Books Set (Board Books)

eBook: Night Night Bible Stories: 30 Stories for Bedtime (DRM PDF)

eBook: Night Night Devotions: 90 Devotions for Bedtime (DRM PDF)

Night Night, Pumpkin (Hardcover)

God Is Love (hardcover)

Night Night, Zoo (Hardcover)

Night Night, Jungle (Hardcover)

Night Night, Farm Touch and Feel (Hardcover)

My Christmas Prayer (Hardcover)

eBook: Night Night, Train (DRM PDF)

Night Night, Train (Hardcover)

Thank You, God, for Grandma (Hardcover)

eBook: Thank You, God, for Grandma (DRM PDF)

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