Sunny Eyes, Book 3: Volume 2 (Library Binding)
作者: Odunze Oguguo 
書城編號: 27623949

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Rockport Publ
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.22 kg
ISBN: 9780760391136


Young sorcerer and prophesied savior, Sano, continues his quest by attempting to uncover and protect the secrets behind his father's research on the immense power known as Apple Black.

As his fellow gifted allies and sorcerers accompany Sano on his quest, the treachery, betrayal, and evil that have plagued nearly all of Eden emerge again to threaten the world. With his visions offering him a darker path, Sano seeks to find those responsible for his loss and walk a path away from revenge and towards forgiveness to find closure. Ridding Eden of the Infinite Night will require him to uncover the secrets behind his father's research on fully rejuvenating the effects of Black in bloodlines with the immense power known as Apple Black.

Odunze Oguguo 作者作品表

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 4: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 3: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 2: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Instruments of Vengeance, Book 1: Volume 3 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 4: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 3: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 2: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Sunny Eyes, Book 1: Volume 2 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 4: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 3: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 2: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

Neo Freedom, Book 1: Volume 1 (Library Binding)

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