Feminism's Progress: Gender Politics in British and American Literature and Television Since 1830 (Paperback)
作者: Carol Colatrella 
書城編號: 27624150

售價: $370.00

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出版社: St Univ Of New York Pr
出版日期: 2024/02/02
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781438493947
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Feminism's Progress builds on more than fifty years of feminist criticism to analyze narrative representations of feminist ideas about women's social roles, gender inequities, and needed reforms. Carol Colatrella argues that popular novels, short stories, and television shows produced in the United States and Britain -- from Little Dorrit and Iola Leroy to Call the Midwife and The Closer -- foster acceptance of feminism by optimistically illustrating its prospects and promises. Scholars, students, and general readers will appreciate the book's sweeping introduction to a host of concerns in feminist theory while applying a gender lens to a wide range of literature and media from the past two centuries. In exploring how individuals and communities might reduce bias and discrimination and ensure gender equity, these fictions serve as both a measure and a means of feminism's progress.
Carol Colatrella 作者作品表

Feminism's Progress: Gender Politics in British and American Literature and Television Since 1830 (Paperback)

Feminism's Progress: Gender Politics in British and American Literature and Television Since 1830 (Hardcover)

eBook: Feminism's Progress: Gender Politics in British and American Literature and Television since 1830 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Evolution, Sacrifice, and Narrative: Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Evolution, Sacrifice, and Narrative: Balzac, Zola, and Faulkner (DRM PDF)

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