Mysterious Encounters (Library Binding)
作者: Paul Stevenson 
書城編號: 27624595

售價: $307.00

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出版社: Hungry Tomato
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781835690123


If you are looking for a spine-tingling nonfiction read, you have found it!

Explore the photos, stories, and supposed evidence behind some of the world's most curious mysteries like Bigfoot, the Kracken, and the Loch Ness Monster. Will you believe the evidence or decide they're just spooky stories? Designed to appeal to older or struggling readers, the exciting photographs and accessible, fact-packed text combines to create a real page-turner.

Paul Stevenson 作者作品表

Flying Forces (Paperback)

Football Heroes (Paperback)

Shark Encounters (Paperback)

Hooked on Fishing (Paperback)

Stunt Performers (Paperback)

Heroic Horses (Paperback)

Basketball Heroes (Library Binding)

Mysterious Encounters (Library Binding)

Stunt Performers on Film (Library Binding)

Air Supremacy (Library Binding)

Fishing (Library Binding)

Soccer Heroes (Library Binding)

Nascar (Paperback)

Parkour (Paperback)

Motocross (Paperback)

Skateboarding (Paperback)

Mega Tanks (Paperback)

Small But Dangerous (Paperback)

Slithering Snakes (Paperback)

Sneaky Crocodiles and Alligators (Paperback)

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