Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research: Realizing Transformative Potentials in Diverse Contexts (Paperback)
作者: Ashwani Kumar 
分類: Religion: general ,
Buddhism ,
Philosophy & theory of education ,
Moral & social purpose of education ,
Educational strategies & policy ,
Multicultural education ,
Teacher training ,
Teaching of a specific subject  
書城編號: 27629806

售價: $546.00

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出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2024/01/29
重量: 0.49 kg
ISBN: 9780367652289
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This collection of multi/inter-disciplinary essays explores the transformative potential of Ashwani Kumar's work on meditative inquiry - a holistic approach to teaching, learning, researching, creating, and living - in diverse educational contexts.

Ashwani Kumar 作者作品表

Fracture Behavior of Nanocomposites and Reinforced Laminate Structures (2024) (Hardcover)

Advances in Plant Microbiome Research for Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Toward Sustainable Farming (Hardcover)

eBook: Advances in Plant Microbiome Research for Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Toward Sustainable Farming (DRM PDF)

eBook: Advances in Plant Microbiome Research for Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Toward Sustainable Farming (DRM EPUB)

KI-gestütztes E-Mail-Marketing (Paperback)

Gerechtigkeit im Zeitalter der KI (Paperback)

La justice à l'ère de l'IA (Paperback)

La giustizia nell'era dell'intelligenza artificiale (Paperback)

Justiça na era da IA (Paperback)

Millets: Cultivation, Processing, and Utilization (Hardcover)

Millets: Cultivation, Processing, and Utilization (Paperback)

Gene Editing in Plants: Crispr-Cas and Its Applications (2024) (Hardcover)

Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research: Realizing Transformative Potentials in Diverse Contexts (Paperback)

Decarbonisation and Digitization of the Energy System: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grid Energy Systems and Control, Sgesc

The Art of Trading Earnings Growth Explored (Paperback)

A Coloring Journey: Coloring Book (Paperback)

Salinity and Drought Tolerance in Plants: Physiological Perspectives (2023) (Hardcover)

शब्द-शागिर्द: From Words to Heart (Paperback)

A Sleep That Will Awake Success And Joy: Let's Crack the Formula of Quality Sleep (Paperback)

Thermal Energy Systems: Design, Computational Techniques, and Applications (Hardcover)

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