The Adventures of Alex the Pirate: Treasure Island (Hardcover)
作者: Tom Oldaker 
書城編號: 27631250

售價: $222.00

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出版社: Rowanvale Books Ltd
出版日期: 2023/12/15
重量: 0.31 kg
ISBN: 9781914422645


Alex is a pirate, and being a pirate isn't easy. In this interactive adventure story, you can join Alex in learning the four sides of a ship, never forgetting to respect the captain and going to battle against a ship full of naughty pirates!

Are you ready to do your part?

"Aye aye, Captain!"

Designed to facilitate the holistic development of children through imaginative play, The Adventures of Alex the Pirate is a unique aid to their physical, technical, psychological and social growth - and they'll be having too much fun to realise they're learning.

Tom Oldaker 作者作品表

The Adventures of Alex the Astronaut: Alien Invasion (Hardcover)

The Adventures of Alex the Pirate: Treasure Island (Paperback)

The Adventures of Alex the Pirate: Treasure Island (Hardcover)

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