eBook: I Love You (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Mary Murphy 
書城編號: 27640539

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

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製造商: Happy Yak
出版日期: 2024/01/02
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9780711289116
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Bring love and joy to your child's bedtime by reading them this enchanting picture book about a big and little panda expressing how much they love each other. Take a moment to sit down and read with your little one as this cute pair of pandas compare their love to all the things they see. Dandelion clocks, tabby kittens, and building bricks are just some of the fun items in the rhyming couplets that cascade through this beautiful read. This fun and bouncy text will keep your child engaged as they grow from baby to toddler. With a vivid yellow color scheme, this sweet book is a visual as well as an emotional joy. The contrasting yellow and black help with eyesight development in babies, and children will love spotting the fun little details as they get older. A cute and colorful way to show your child the deep affection between parent and child, grandparent and child, and more, and a new take on the phrase ';I love you to the moon and back'. A story which pulls on the heartstrings and will be read again and again by babies and toddlers alike.
Mary Murphy 作者作品表

Friends Forever (Paperback)

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Flynn's Big Surprise (Paperback)

The Minute Minders (Paperback)

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I Love You (Paperback)

eBook: I Love You (DRM EPUB)

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