eBook: America's Greatest Road Trip!: Key West to Deadhorse: 9000 Miles Across Backroad USA (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Tom Cotter, Michael Alan Ross 
分類: Motor cars: general interest ,
Travel writing ,
Places & peoples: general & pictorial works ,
書城編號: 27640723

原價: HK$286.00
現售: HK$271.7 節省: HK$14.3

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製造商: Motorbooks
出版日期: 2023/09/19
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9780760381076
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Ride along with author Tom Cotter and photographer Michael Alan Ross as they pilot their Ford Bronco/Airstream Basecamp combination 8,881 miles along the lower 48's back roads and byways. Tom Cotter has spent decades ferreting out lost ';barn find' collector cars. The process has made him an ardent road tripper, logging thousands of miles every year on America's back roads. Previous journeys have traced Route 66 in his 1939 Ford Woody wagon and followed the Lincoln highway coast to coast behind the wheel of a 1926 Model T. Cotter's journeys led him to wonder: What could be the most epic American road trip? The answer: Key West, Florida, to Deadhorse, Alaska, its thousands of miles recounted in America's Greatest Road Trip. Cotter and Ross drove across the country, through British Columbia and the Yukon, and finally through Alaska to the literal end of the road. Ross documented their road time in thousands of photographs. Along the way, the pair met fellow road trippers, adventurers, small-town Americans, world travelers, and rolled through an ever-changing geography from the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi Delta to the Great Plains and Mountain states through the Northwest Passage and finally several hundred miles of Alaska's challenging ALCAN Highway.Cotter's observations of Two-Lane America are complemented by Ross's beautiful photography capturing both the sweep and the detail of life off the beaten path. Join them on their once-in-a-lifetime journeyyou'll be glad you came along for the ride.
Tom Cotter 作者作品表

Route 66 Barn Find Road Trip (Hardcover)

Tom Cotter's Best Barn-Find Collector Car Tales (Hardcover)

eBook: Tom Cotter's Best Barn-Find Collector Car Tales (DRM EPUB)

Ford Model T Coast to Coast (Hardcover)

Cuba's Car Culture (Hardcover)

Barn Find Road Trip (Hardcover)

50 Shades of Rust (Hardcover)

eBook: 50 Shades of Rust: Barn Finds You Wish You'd Discovered (DRM EPUB)

Harley in the Barn (Hardcover)

Hemi in the Barn (Paperback)

Tv Tommy Ivo: Drag Racing's Master Showman (Hardback)

eBook: Cobra in the Barn: Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology (DRM EPUB)

The Cobra in the Barn: Great Stories of Automotive Archaeology (Paperback)

Vincent in the Barn (Hardcover)

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