eBook: Central American Young People Migration: Coloniality and Epistemologies of the South (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Henry (Toronto Metropolitan University Canada) Parada, Veronica (Toronto Metropolitan University Can 
系列: Youth, Young Adulthood and Society
分類: Regional studies ,
History of the Americas ,
Colonialism & imperialism ,
Migration, immigration & emigration ,
Ethnic studies ,
Hispanic & Latino studies ,
Social theory ,
International relations ,
Personal & public health ,
Health & personal development ,
Latin America  
書城編號: 27642299

售價: $520.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor & Francis Ebooks
出版日期: 2023/11/20
頁數: 134
ISBN: 9781003801740
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This book examines the social construction and representation of ‘youth on the move’ in the context of the migration process, using El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras as a case study to reinterpret the immigration process under the frameworks of coloniality and epistemologies of the South.

The discussion surrounding Central American migrants has increased exponentially with the emergence of the caravans and the increased security measures along Mexican and US borders. Explicitly focused on the plight of children and young people, the examination of migration includes exploring the global context and dynamics that influence migratory trends and framing Central American migrant processes and youth strategies of survival and resistance.

Contributing to existing conversations about the migration of people from Central America, this text seeks to understand the phenomenon’s roots. This book will interest scholars and students across the social sciences, particularly those studying the global dynamics of power, and migration and governance, as well as practitioners involved in decision-making with governments and international organizations.

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