eBook: Legitimizing Authority: American Government and the Promise of Equality (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Boris Vormann, Christian Lammert 
系列: Routledge Research in American Politics and Govern
分類: Social & political philosophy ,
Social discrimination & inequality ,
Social groups ,
Sociology ,
Political structures: democracy ,
書城編號: 27642972

售價: $520.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2023/12/04
頁數: 206
ISBN: 9781003817246
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Legitimizing Authority places the American state apparatus back in the foreground to rethink the development of the country's government in the context of its unfulfilled promise of equality.The book argues that the tensions between calls for equality and the simultaneous tolerance of inequality have accompanied the rise of modern mass society and, with it, of liberal democracy. Vormann and Lammert emphasize that government has played and continues to play a decisive role in calibrating the relationship between the interior and the exterior of the nation, moving between an extractive state, a taxation state, and a welfare state over time in order to expand social access and political participation inside the national community - while tolerating conditions that continue to belie the historical promise of equality. The authors draw on a range of literatures that transcend disciplinary boundaries to reveal how exploitative practices have been accepted. They conclude that the democratic crises of the present must be comprehended through understanding how legitimation was always maintained by a state apparatus active at multiple scales and in multiple policy fields.This interdisciplinary book is addressed to a broad audience across disciplines, including political science, political economy, political history, comparative politics, international politics, international relations, American Political Development (APD), and cultural studies.
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Boris Vormann 作者作品表

Legitimizing Authority: American Government and the Promise of Equality (Hardcover)

Contours of the Illiberal State (Paperback)

Democracy in Crisis (Hardcover)

Global Port Cities in North America (Hardcover)

eBook: Global Port Cities in North America: Urbanization Processes and Global Production Networks (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Global Port Cities in North America: Urbanization Processes and Global Production Networks (DRM PDF)

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