eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ashwood David Ashwood 
系列: TrainCraft
分類: Printing & reprographic technology ,
Model railways  
書城編號: 27648257

原價: HK$208.00
現售: HK$197.6 節省: HK$10.4

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製造商: Pen and Sword
出版日期: 2024/03/30
頁數: 112
ISBN: 9781399094917
>> 相關實體書

This book in the railway modelling series drills deeper into the tips and techniques that can be utilised by the modern modeller to produce a detailed and cohesive model railway. Through rich and varied imagery from the Market Deeping club, British and international examples, a number of different styles of scenery are covered. Subject chapters include locations from open country to heavy industry. Background and foreground tricks to draw the eye, that difficult to emulate water feature, and composing your scenes as independent units for later inclusion. Use is made of construction examples as varied as a tube station in OO to a farm in N. The basics of plastic stock kit building, adapting a model with a detailing kit, as well as scratch build from spare parts are demonstrated. while 3D printing feels an impossible dream for many, practical ownership and operation of both thermal extrusion and resin based 3D printers is covered. With demonstration examples from the very basic, such as taking existing designs and scaling them for your own requirements on thermal extrusion, through to a worked CAD and highly detailed resin printer output. The overall aim is to stimulate the modeller to commence that tricky project, to produce something that externalises that inner dream while providing some of the basics to build up both confidence and skills.

eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM PDF)

Ashwood David Ashwood 作者作品表

eBook: Euston - A history and modelling the 1875 station (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Euston - A history and modelling the 1875 station (DRM PDF)

eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Model Building and Super Detailing: Detailing Techniques Including 3D Printing (DRM PDF)

eBook: Constructing Buildings for Model Railways (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Constructing Buildings for Model Railways (DRM PDF)

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