eBook: Value, Beauty, and Nature: The Philosophy of Organism and the Metaphysical Foundations of Environmental Ethics (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Brian G. Henning 
系列: SUNY series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
分類: Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology ,
Philosophy: aesthetics ,
Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Philosophy of religion ,
Conservation of the environment  
書城編號: 27648629

售價: $454.00

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製造商: State University of New York Press
出版日期: 2023/12/01
頁數: 302
ISBN: 9781438495583
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Much of early environmental ethics was born out of the belief that the ecological crisis can only truly be solved by overcoming a pernicious worldview that limits all intrinsic value to human beings. Returning to this originating impulse, Value, Beauty, and Nature contends that, to make progress within environmental ethics, philosophers must explicitly engage in environmental metaphysics. Grounded in an organicist process worldview, Brian G. Henning shows that it is possible to make progress in key debates within environmental philosophy, including those concerning the nature of intrinsic value; anthropocentrism; hierarchy; the moral significance of beauty; the nature of individuality; teleology and the naturalistic fallacy; and worldview reconstruction. A Whiteheadian fallibilistic, naturalistic, event ontology allows for the recovery of systematic, speculative metaphysical thought without a revanchist movement toward a necessitarian philosophia perennis. Thus, in contrast to the claims of environmental pragmatists, Value, Beauty, and Nature demonstrates that environmental ethics would greatly benefit from an adequate metaphysical foundation and, of the candidate metaphysical systems, Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of organism is the most adequate.
SUNY series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics

eBook: Toward Environmental Wholeness: Method in Environmental Ethics and Science (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Value, Beauty, and Nature: The Philosophy of Organism and the Metaphysical Foundations of Environmental Ethics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ecology on the Ground and in the Clouds: Aime Bonpland and Alexander von Humboldt (DRM EPUB)

eBook: World Not Made for Us, A: Topics in Critical Environmental Philosophy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mountains, Rivers, and the Great Earth: Reading Gary Snyder and Dogen in an Age of Ecological Crisis (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Naturalizing Heidegger: His Confrontation with Nietzsche, His Contributions to Environmental Philosophy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Emplotting Virtue: A Narrative Approach to Environmental Virtue Ethics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Philosophizing ad Infinitum: Infinite Nature, Infinite Philosophy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hans Jonas's Ethic of Responsibility: From Ontology to Ecology (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Elemental Philosophy: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water as Environmental Ideas (DRM EPUB)

Brian G. Henning 作者作品表

Value, Beauty, and Nature: The Philosophy of Organism and the Metaphysical Foundations of Environmental Ethics (Paperback)

Value, Beauty, and Nature: The Philosophy of Organism and the Metaphysical Foundations of Environmental Ethics (Hardcover)

eBook: Value, Beauty, and Nature: The Philosophy of Organism and the Metaphysical Foundations of Environmental Ethics (DRM EPUB)

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