eBook: Maine Farm Table Cookbook: 125 Home-Grown Recipes from the Pine Tree State (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kate Shaffer, Derek Bissonnette 
分類: National & regional cuisine ,
Northeastern & North Atlantic states  
書城編號: 27654196

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Countryman Press
出版日期: 2021/06/01
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781682684863
>> 相關實體書

The best of Maines local food, from noted farms like Dandelion Spring to esteemed restaurants like The Lost Kitchen.Theres a lot more to Maine than stunning coastline. Sure, come for the incomparable lobster rolls or the states renowned blueberries, but stay for the locally milled grains, organic grass-fed meats, and surprising foraged delicacies. The Pine Tree States active food community springs to life in the hands of Kate Shaffer, Maine cookbook author and chocolatier, and Derek Bissonnette, one of the finest food photographers in the country.The Maine Farm Table Cookbook delivers more than 100 recipes, assembled in chapters that take readers from the pasture and sea to the forest, creamery, and everywhere in between. Discover Autumn Harvest Roast Pork, Haddock and Corn Chowder, Carrot Zucchini Fritters, Blackberry and Almond Torte, and more. With profiles to spotlight Maines favorite farms and restaurants, and gorgeous professional photography, this is the perfect way for readers to bring New Englands charm to their own kitchen.

Derek Bissonnette 作者作品表

eBook: Soup: The Ultimate Book of Soups and Stews (Soup Recipes, Comfort Food Cookbook, Homemade Meals, Gifts for Foodies) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Soup: The Ultimate Book of Soups and Stews (Soup Recipes, Comfort Food Cookbook, Homemade Meals, Gifts for Foodies) (DRM EPUB)

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