eBook: Joy of Winter Hiking: Inspiration and Guidance for Cold Weather Adventures (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Derek Dellinger 
分類: Winter sports ,
Walking, hiking, trekking ,
Outdoor survival skills ,
Holidays & seasonal interest  
書城編號: 27654268

售價: $312.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Countryman Press
出版日期: 2023/11/21
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9781682687871
>> 相關實體書

From the author of Americas Best Day Hikes, gorgeous photos and essential tips give you reason to enjoy the season!Your daily dose of nature doesnt have to retreat with the warm weather. The Joy of Winter Hiking is your ultimate guide to getting outdoors in the most underrated season. In fact, author Derek Dellinger believes you should be seeking outdoor adventure in colder months, not just in spite of snow and cloudy days, but because of these factors! From unmatched snow-capped views to the mental and physical health benefits of nature to precious wildlife sightings, the winter holds endless hiking opportunities.Alongside stunning winter photography, Derek prepares readers to venture safely and securely into nature. Theres advice on the gear you need to get going, the wildlife you might expect to find, understanding weather risks, and even the how-tos of cold-weather camping. Made for the winter sportsman, tree hugger, and avid hiker alike, this book is a thorough guide and breathtaking showcase of whats awaiting you on the trail.
Derek Dellinger 作者作品表

eBook: Joy of Winter Hiking: Inspiration and Guidance for Cold Weather Adventures (DRM EPUB)

The Joy of Winter Hiking: Inspiration and Guidance for Cold Weather Adventures (Compact Disc)

The Joy of Winter Hiking: Inspiration and Guidance for Cold Weather Adventures (MP3 CD)

eBook: America's Best Day Hikes: Spectacular Single-Day Hikes Across the States (DRM EPUB)

Fermented Man (Paperback)

Fermented Man (Hardcover)

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