eBook: Brain Fitness Puzzles: Stimulate Your Mind with More Than 80 Exercises, Games, and Tests (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gareth Moore, Helena Gellersen 
分類: Puzzles & quizzes  
書城編號: 27654273

售價: $156.00

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製造商: Countryman Press
出版日期: 2024/01/09
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9781682688786
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Help bolster your mental strength with activities from a best-selling puzzle author and a researcher at the University of Cambridges Memory Laboratory.Your mind, just like your body, needs regular exercise to stay in shape. Structured the same way as a good physical workoutin warm-up, training, cardio, and cool-down modesthis brain-training manual provides a definitive regimen to help you boost your mind to peak performance readiness. Flex your intellect with an exciting variety of engaging exercises scientifically designed to enhance your logic and reasoning skills, visual and lateral thinking, creativity, concentration, and more. Fun, familiar puzzles such as word searches and Sudoku will fire up your neurons, preparing you for more challenging and rewarding activities, such as long digit span tests, mental rotation games, and memory tasks. Go at your own pace and remember that practice makes progress. If you hit the wall, the puzzle key at the back of the book has all the answers.
Gareth Moore 作者作品表

The Ultimate Mystery Puzzle Book: Role play, codes and cases to crack (Paperback)

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Mum’s Book of Puzzles: Relax and Unwind with over 150 Puzzles to Solve (Paperback)

Alice in Wonderland Puzzles: With Original Illustrations by Sir John Tenniel (Paperback)

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The Murder Mystery Puzzle Book: Murder in the Village (Paperback)

The Christmas Puzzle Book (Paperback)

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The Top Secret Spy Puzzle Book: Role Play, Codes and Cases to Crack (Paperback)

Brain Games for 8 Year Olds: Fun and Challenging Brain Teasers, Logic Puzzles, and More for Gritty Kids (Paperback)

Brain Games for 9 Year Olds: Fun and Challenging Brain Teasers, Logic Puzzles, and More for Gritty Kids (Paperback)

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