eBook: Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Rahat Zaidi, Umit Boz, Eve Moreau 
系列: New Perspectives on Language and Education
分類: Bilingualism & multilingualism ,
Language teaching theory & methods ,
Migration, immigration & emigration ,
Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs  
書城編號: 27655783

售價: $325.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Channel View Publications
出版日期: 2023/10/31
頁數: 216
ISBN: 9781800414426
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This book explores the ways in which transcultural pedagogies can support learning and literacies in critical, creative and socially just ways, highlighting research initiatives from across the globe. Each chapter provides a different and innovative perspective with respect to reimagining language and literacy pedagogies in conjunction with students' diverse literacies and resources. Presenting a collection of classroom and community-based research, the book addresses the intersections of plurilingualism, identity and transcultural awareness in various contexts, including schools, universities, as well as local and Indigenous communities. These settings have been deliberately chosen to profile the range of research in the field, showcasing transcultural, plurilingual, translanguaging and community-engaged pedagogies, among others.
New Perspectives on Language and Education

Social Justice in Language Education: Taking Action (Paperback)

Social Justice in Language Education: Taking Action (Hardcover)

Internationalization of TESOL Teacher Education: Global and Critical Perspectives (Paperback)

Internationalization of TESOL Teacher Education: Global and Critical Perspectives (Hardcover)

Plurilingual Education in a Monolingualised Nation: Exploring New Frontiers in Language Teaching in Japan (Hardcover)

Black Teachers of English(es) in Japan: Transnational, Professional and Pedagogical Encounters (Paperback)

Black Teachers of English(es) in Japan: Transnational, Professional and Pedagogical Encounters (Hardcover)

The Thesis Writing Journeys of Bachelor’s and Master’s Students: A Transnational European Perspective (Hardcover)

eBook: English for Academic Purposes: Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future (DRM PDF)

eBook: English for Academic Purposes: Perspectives on the Past, Present and Future (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Born-Digital Texts in the English Language Classroom (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Born-Digital Texts in the English Language Classroom (DRM PDF)

eBook: Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reimagining Dialogue on Identity, Language and Power (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reimagining Dialogue on Identity, Language and Power (DRM EPUB)

Second Language and Heritage Learners in Mixed Classrooms (Paperback)

Second Language and Heritage Learners in Mixed Classrooms (Hardcover)

Antisocial Language Teaching: English and the Pervasive Pathology of Whiteness (Paperback)

Antisocial Language Teaching: English and the Pervasive Pathology of Whiteness (Hardcover)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Rahat Zaidi 作者作品表

Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice (Paperback)

Transcultural Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Responding to Changing Realities in Theory and Practice (Hardcover)

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