eBook: Truth's Labyrinth (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jorgen Steines 
分類: Thriller / suspense ,
Historical fiction ,
London, Greater London ,
Germany ,
書城編號: 27656703

原價: HK$65.00
現售: HK$61.75 節省: HK$3.25

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製造商: Troubador Publishing Ltd
出版日期: 2023/08/28
頁數: 464
ISBN: 9781805146766

The year is 1943; World War II rages on.Major Johann Richter of the German military intelligence service, Abwehr, is tasked with a case of great importance for the war effort. Several incidents point to a traitor among the top Nazis, and Johann starts investigating generals, field marshals and party leaders.As the investigation progresses, Johann witnesses the extensive atrocities of the regime - atrocities that ordinary German people know little about. His loyalty to the Third Reich is severely tested, and an unexpected chain of events places him and his family in grave danger.As Johann finally comes close to revealing the traitor, he is faced with a difficult choice that could radically change the course of the war...
Jorgen Steines 作者作品表

Truth's Labyrinth (Paperback)

eBook: Truth's Labyrinth (DRM EPUB)

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