eBook: Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ales Karmazin 
系列: Palgrave Studies in International Relations
分類: International relations  
書城編號: 27661861

售價: $1424.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Springer Nature Switzerland
出版日期: 2023/12/22
ISBN: 9783031479052
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This book project studies the variation of sovereignty in international order by analysing how the general model of sovereignty is localised in the political practice of two major non-Western rising powers, namely China and India. It aims to investigate how the sovereignty of these states is constituted, which includes the question of how sovereignty works and becomes constituted in specific contexts and cases that fall outside the discourses and positions of the so-called Westphalian (conservative, absolutist) sovereignty that is dominantly advocated by these two states on a global level. The core of this project explores specific contested cases and situates them vis-a-vis the broader approaches of China and India to sovereignty. I specifically analyse four particular cases: China's approach to sovereignty in relation to Hong Kong and Taiwan and India's approach to sovereignty in relation to Bhutan and Kashmir. In doing so, I will illustrate that sovereignty is a flexible and plastic phenomenon which can be intertwined with principles, models or practices that are usually seen as divergent from or contradicting sovereignty; for example, those that derive from China's and India's imperial and colonial history.
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Ales Karmazin 作者作品表

Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order (2024) (Hardcover)

eBook: Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order (DRM PDF)

eBook: Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order (DRM EPUB)

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