eBook: Book summary when breaths become air (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Paul Kalanithi 
分類: Autobiography: general  
書城編號: 27663170

售價: $38.00

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製造商: Sahla Books
出版日期: 2023/12/04
ISBN: 9783515938440

Paul believed that life did not revolve one day about winning as much as you centered on your reaction when you lose it in the end we will lose one day, Paul lost his struggle with the disease before he finished this book, but his words will live after him for years and years to guide everyone who reads it, he died leaving behind him His wife and daughter with the eight months, and his book, this book in which he spoke how he faced death with life until his last moments, and explained the relationship between the doctor and the sick, is a book written by the doctor who turned into a patient, but he certainly excelled in the two roles.
Paul Kalanithi 作者作品表

eBook: Book summary when breaths become air (DRM EPUB)

When Breath Becomes Air (Paperback)

When Breath Becomes Air (Paperback)

Før jeg forsvinder (Hardcover)

When Breath Becomes Air (paperback)

When Breath Becomes Air (Hardcover)

When Breath Becomes Air (hardcover)

When Breath Becomes Air (Hardcover)

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