Genesis Athena: A Science Thriller (Paperback)
作者: W. Michael Gear 
書城編號: 27678030

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Wolfpack Pub
出版日期: 2024/02/13
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9781639771905


Taken from today's headlines and insidiously prophetic, part two in the evocative and acclaimed Athena Trilogy will have you questioning the boundaries of morality and the sordid depths of today's celebrity obsession.

As the eerie game of cat and mouse between the shadowy organization, Genesis Athena, and Hollywood diva, Sheela Marks, grows more sinister by the day, the stakes are raised and the walls close in.

Desperate to protect Sheela, Bodyguard Lymon Bridges turns to disgraced FBI Agent Christal Anaya. Peeling away layers of deceit and secrecy, Christal's determined to uncover why celebrity DNA is being stolen in high-profile assaults and break-ins. But just as she's closing in on the sordid truth, her former FBI partner resurfaces, hell-bent on stopping her-even if it means drugging and abducting her.

Sheela knows it's up to her to save Christal and expose Genesis Athena and its sinister mastermind. But to do so, she will have to give the performance of her lifetime, which begs the question: who is Sheela, really, and what is she capable of?

Stunningly dark and eerily prophetic, Genesis Athena is an unnerving story of obsession, peril...and chilling possibilities.

W. Michael Gear 作者作品表

The Masked Owl: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

People of the Owl: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

Eclipse Dancer: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

Switching Gears: An Anthology of Western Short Fiction (Paperback)

People of the Black Sun: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

Blood Lightning: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

The Broken Land: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

The Dusk Country: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

The Dawn Country: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

Shadowed Forest: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

People of the Longhouse: A Historical Fantasy Series (Paperback)

Coyote Summer ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Athena's Wrath: A Science Thriller (Paperback)

Genesis Athena: A Science Thriller (Paperback)

A Panther's Scream ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Athena Unleashed: A Science Thriller (Paperback)

Children of the Dawnland: Part Two (A Historical Fantasy Novel) (Paperback)

White Mist Dog ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Ridin' with the Pack: A Western Short Story Collection (Paperback)

Children of the Dawnland: Part One (A Historical Fantasy Novel) (Paperback)

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