eBook: History of Interior Architecture: Furniture, Design, and Global Culture - with STUDIO (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Hinchman Mark Hinchman 
分類: Furniture design ,
Architectural structure & design ,
Professional interior design ,
History of architecture ,
Building construction & materials  
書城編號: 27689211

售價: $1170.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing (USA)
出版日期: 2024/02/08
頁數: 536
ISBN: 9781501385599
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In today's globalized world, every aspect of our lives is affected by global interconnectedness from what we buy to what we eat to what we study - and the study of design history is no exception. Programs in art, architecture, and interior design are all facing the challenges of providing students with information from around the world. History of Interior Architecture: Furniture, Design, and Global Culture, Second Edition, (formerly titled History of Furniture: A Global View) covers the major historical movements in architecture, interior design, furniture, and the decorative arts from prehistoric periods through contemporary times, and it includes parts of the world that traditional history books ignore or underserve such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It presents, moreover, the achievements of Western designers, not in isolation from the rest of the globe, but in vibrant contact with it. For example, students will learn about the influence of Islamic design on Romanesque style and Thailand's interpretation of Art Nouveau. In short, this comprehensive book with a global perspective focuses on the evolution of interior design from ancient history through deconstruction with lens on societal issues, like politics, economics, gender, technology, ethics, and sociology, in addition to history and aesthetics. FEATURES:- Highlights the contributions of women- Considers interior architecture in conjunction with other disciplines, including urban design, landscape design, graphic design, and fashion NEW TO THIS EDITION:- Focus on the 20th and 21st centuries, while streamlining earlier historical chapters, in accordance with the current curriculum- Discusses user-focused design, sustainability, and universal design- First edition to include online ancillary package with STUDIO features and Instructor ResourcesSTUDIO Features Includes:- Self-assessment quizzes to test yourself on what you have just read- Visual and Vocabulary Flashcards of key terms and concepts covered in the book Instructor Resources- Instructor's Guide to help incorporate the text into your classroom- PowerPoint Slides for every chapter
Hinchman Mark Hinchman 作者作品表

eBook: History of Interior Architecture: Furniture, Design, and Global Culture - with STUDIO (DRM EPUB)

eBook: History of Interior Architecture: Furniture, Design, and Global Culture - with STUDIO (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fairchild Books Dictionary of Interior Design (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fairchild Books Dictionary of Interior Design (DRM EPUB)

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