eBook: Make Your Own Rules: Stories and Hard-Earned Advice from a Creator in the Digital Age (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Andrew Huang 
分類: Biography: arts & entertainment ,
Autobiography: arts & entertainment ,
Business innovation  
書城編號: 27689506

售價: $169.00

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製造商: S&S/Simon Element
出版日期: 2024/02/06
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781982190422
>> 相關實體書

YouTube sensation Andrew Huang offers practical tips and hard-won advice for creatives seeking financial stability while staying authentic.How does a musician with acute hearing loss, a refusal to perform live, and no industry connections carve a path to millions of followers and lucrative royalty checks? In Make Your Own Rules, Andrew Huang shares stories from his two decades as a music industry misfit and offers advice on both the artistic and business sides of working as a creator in our digital era. Beginning with auctioning his songwriting skills on eBay as a teenager, Andrew continuously found new ways to thrive in a music career over the last twenty-plus years. His storied career and hard-won wisdom can help aspiring digital creatives find success as well. Organized by sections on building your creative foundations, growing an audience in the digital age, making money, and staying true to yourself, Make Your Own Rules pairs personal anecdotes with concrete advice applicable to any freelance digital creator. You'll learn how Andrew became an early adopter of sharing music onlinefor free!and how he leveraged social media to grow an organic following and amass millions of song streams and video views. Additional chapters provide insight into his designing an online course and music production tools that have been used by tens of thousands of people, and how he created revenue streams for himself that didn't exist previously. With open-minded perseverance, Andrew made up his own rules for life. His unlikely journey will inspire creators to find opportunity, financial stability, and fun in their pursuits.
Andrew Huang 作者作品表

Make Your Own Rules: Stories and Hard-Earned Advice from a Creator in a Digital Age (Compact Disc)

eBook: Make Your Own Rules: Stories and Hard-Earned Advice from a Creator in the Digital Age (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Make Your Own Rules: Stories and Hard-Earned Advice from a Creator in the Digital Age (mp3 zips)

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