The Darkness Within (Paperback)
作者: Lisa Stone 
書城編號: 27691583

售價: $314.00

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出版社: Clarity Books
出版日期: 2022/09/01
頁數: 504
尺寸: 155 x 235 x 47 mm
重量: 758 grams
ISBN: 9781915711052

When critically ill Jacob Wilson is given a life-saving heart transplant, his parents are relieved that their loving son has been saved.However, before long, his family are forced to accept that something has changed in Jacob. Their once loving son is slowly being replaced by a violent man whose mood swings leave them terrified - but is it their fault?Jacob's girlfriend, Rosie, is convinced the man she loves is suffering from stress. But when his moods turn on her, she begins to doubt herself - and she can only hide the bruises for so long.When a terrible crime is committed, Jacob's family are forced to confront their darkest fears. Has the boy they raised become a monster? Or is someone else to blame?
Lisa Stone 作者作品表

The Forever House (Paperback)

eBook: Murder Room (DRM EPUB)

The Murder Room (Paperback)

Una casa en el campo (Paperback)

eBook: Una casa en el campo (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Gathering (DRM EPUB)

The Gathering (Paperback)

The Doctor (Paperback)

The Darkness Within (Paperback)

Stalker (Paperback)

eBook: Cottage (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taken (DRM EPUB)

Doctor (Paperback)

eBook: Doctor (DRM EPUB)

Stalker (Paperback)

eBook: Stalker (DRM EPUB)

Stalker (Paperback)

The Darkness Within: A Heart-Pounding Thriller That Will Leave You Reeling (Paperback)

eBook: Darkness Within (DRM EPUB)

Darkness Within (Paperback)

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