When These Mountains Burn (Paperback)
作者: David Joy 
書城編號: 27695701

售價: $314.00

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出版社: Clarity Books
出版日期: 2021/11/01
頁數: 444
尺寸: 235 x 155 x 39 mm
重量: 704 grams
ISBN: 9781912789429

When his addict son gets in deep with his dealer, it takes everything Raymond Mathis has to bail him out of trouble one last time. Frustrated by the slow pace and limitations of the law, Raymond decides to take matters into his own hands .After a workplace accident left him out of a job and in pain, Denny Rattler has spent years chasing his next high. He supports his habit through careful theft, following strict rules that keep him under the radar and out of jail. But when faced with opportunities too easy to resist, Denny makes two choices that change everything. For months, the DEA has been chasing the drug supply in the mountains to no avail, when a lead - just one word - sets one agent on a path to crack the case open... but he'll need help from the most unexpected quarter. As chance brings together these men from different sides of a relentless epidemic, each may come to find that his opportunity for redemption lies with the others.
David Joy 作者作品表

Those We Thought We Knew (Paperback)

Those We Thought We Knew: The new literary crime thriller from the prizewinning master of American noir fiction (Paperback)

Railways and the Lake District (Hardcover)

Those We Thought We Knew (Hardcover)

eBook: Those We Thought We Knew (DRM EPUB)

When These Mountains Burn (Paperback)


Railways and the Dales (Hardcover)

When These Mountains Burn (Paperback)

When These Mountains Burn (Paperback)

Piercing The Pennines: Heroic railways linking Lancashire and Yorkshire (Hardcover)

When These Mountains Burn (Hardcover)

eBook: When These Mountains Burn (DRM EPUB)

Passion For The Dales (Hardcover)

Line That Held Us (Paperback)

eBook: Line That Held Us (DRM EPUB)

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