Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas (Paperback)
作者: Elizabeth Shreeve 
書城編號: 27696035

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/06/18
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9781536228809

"Readers can begin to understand the joyous, wondrous, frightening complexity of the creation of life. A book to be read over and over for its intriguing story, illustrations, and captions." --School Library Journal (starred review)

Clear and inviting nonfiction prose, vetted by scientists--together with lively illustrations and a time line--narrate how life on the Earth emerged "out of the blue." It began in the vast, empty sea when the Earth was young. Single-celled microbes too small to see held the promise of all life-forms to come. Those microbes survived billions of years in restless seas until they began to change, to convert sunlight into energy, to produce oxygen until one day--Gulp!--one cell swallowed another and the race was on. Learn how and why creatures began to emerge from the deep--from the Cambrian Explosion to crustaceans, mollusks to fishes, giant reptiles to the rise of mammals--and how they compare to the animals we know today, in a lively and accessible outing into the prehistoric past that boils a complex subject down to its lyrical essence.

Elizabeth Shreeve 作者作品表

On an Ocean Journey: Animals in Motion Through the Seas (Hardcover)

On an Ocean Journey: Animals in Motion Through the Seas (Paperback)

Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas (Paperback)

The Upside-Down Book of Sloths (Hardcover)

Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas (Paperback)

Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas (Hardcover)

eBook: Hector on Thin Ice (DRM EPUB)

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