Asia-Afria- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World (2024) (Hardcover)
作者: Ute Fendler 
書城編號: 27698230

售價: $1400.00

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出版社: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
出版日期: 2024/05/17
重量: 0.51 kg
ISBN: 9789819706952
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This book provides an insight into the complex entanglements between African countries and India, China, and South Korea from multidisciplinary perspectives connecting approaches from cultural, anthropological, literary, and music studies and art history. The three parts present a regional focus, namely Africa-India, Africa-South Korea, and Africa-China while the single contributions speak to each other and offer complementary insights. At the same time, the chapters also link across the regional realms as they deal with similar topics, such as travelling music genres. In part I, for Pombo material culture is the starting point to investigate the connections between the islands of the Indian Ocean and India by questioning the construction of memory. It highlights various aspects of the multilayered history of connections between Africa, the islands, and India. Part II gathers contributions that are complimentary to each other and therefore contribute to the understanding of the complex entanglements in area studies. Part III (Africa-South Korea) explores the impact of African-American arts and artists on South Korea's popular culture as well as the changing perception of artists of African descent in visual popular culture. It shows the impact of Korean content in South Africa.

Ute Fendler 作者作品表

Medialities (Paperback)

Asia-Afria- Multifaceted Engagement in the Contemporary World (2024) (Hardcover)

Of Worlds and Artworks: A Relational View on Artistic Practices from Africa and the Diaspora (Hardcover)

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