A Cultural History of Color in the Age of Industry (Paperback)
作者: Alexandra Loske 
系列: The Cultural Histories Series
分類: History of art & design styles: c 1800 to c 1900 ,
Art techniques & principles ,
Industrial / commercial art & design ,
History of fashion ,
Reference works ,
c 1800 to c 1900  
書城編號: 27707199

原價: HK$364.00
現售: HK$345.8 節省: HK$18.2

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出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
出版日期: 2024/05/02
頁數: 304
尺寸: 244 x 169 mm
重量: 585 grams
ISBN: 9781350460201
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A Cultural History of Color in the Age of Industry covers the period 1800 to 1920, when the world embraced color like never before. Inventions, such as steam power, lithography, photography, electricity, motor cars, aviation, and cheaper color printing, all contributed to a new exuberance about color. Available pigments and colored products - made possible by new technologies, industrial manufacturing, commercialization, and urbanization - also greatly increased, as did illustrated printed literature for the mass market. Color, both literally and metaphorically, was splashed around, and became an expressive tool for artists, designers, and writers.

Color shapes an individual's experience of the world and also how society gives particular spaces, objects, and moments meaning. The 6 volume set of the Cultural History of Color examines how color has been created, traded, used, and interpreted over the last 5000 years. The themes covered in each volume are color philosophy and science; color technology and trade; power and identity; religion and ritual; body and clothing; language and psychology; literature and the performing arts; art; architecture and interiors; and artefacts.

Alexandra Loske is Curator at the Royal Pavilion and Museums, Brighton, UK.
Volume 5 in the Cultural History of Color set.
General Editors: Carole P. Biggam and Kirsten Wolf

The Cultural Histories Series

A Cultural History of Fame (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of War (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of Slavery and Human Trafficking (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of Genocide (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of the Sea (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of Sport in the Modern Age (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Sport in the Age of Industry (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Sport in the Age of Enlightenment (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Sport in the Renaissance (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Sport in the Medieval Age (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Sport in Antiquity (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Sport (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of Hinduism (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of the Home (Multiple-component retail product)

A Cultural History of Color in Antiquity (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Objects in the Medieval Age (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Objects in the Renaissance (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Objects in the Age of Enlightenment (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Color in the Medieval Age (Paperback)

A Cultural History of Color in the Age of Enlightenment (Paperback)

... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Alexandra Loske 作者作品表

The Artist's Palette: The palettes behind the paintings of 50 great artists (Hardcover)

A Cultural History of Color in the Age of Industry (Paperback)

111 Places in Brighton & Lewes That You Shouldn't Miss (Revised ed) (Paperback)

eBook: Tate: Colour: A Visual History (DRM EPUB)

Moon (Hardcover)

Tate: Colour: A Visual History (Hardcover)

111 Places in Brighton & Lewes That You Shouldn't Miss (Paperback)

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