eBook: Quantified School: Pedagogy, Subjectivity, and Metrics (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Diego Santori 
分類: Sociology ,
書城編號: 27708002

售價: $1300.00

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製造商: Palgrave Macmillan UK
出版日期: 2024/01/09
ISBN: 9781137583857
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This book develops a theoretically rich analysis of quantification and subjectivity, tracing new linkages between educational policy and everyday life in schools, diving deeper into 'ordinary' schools as they encounter and navigate quantified forms of recognition. With a focus on Chile as a critical case of neoliberal experimentation, this book investigates whether intense exposure to quantified forms of meaning and sense-making in school settings could develop into metrics-driven dispositions or attachments. Contemporary demands on schools for calculation, prediction, and comparison by the use of accountability tools like high-stakes testing, league tables, consequential inspection ratings and 'progress' measures evidence the relentless presence of quantification in teaching and learning. This book argues the importance of bridging political, sociological and anthropological literatures together with affect and subjectivity theories to understand the complex ways in which standardisation, optimisation, automation, and surveillance crystallise into quantification-based forms of intelligibility.
Diego Santori 作者作品表

The Quantified School: Pedagogy, Subjectivity, and Metrics (Hardcover)

eBook: Quantified School: Pedagogy, Subjectivity, and Metrics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Quantified School: Pedagogy, Subjectivity, and Metrics (DRM EPUB)

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