HBR Guide to Better Recruiting and Hiring (Hardcover)
作者: Harvard Business Review 
書城編號: 27713905

原價: HK$440.00
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出版社: Harvard Business Review Pr
出版日期: 2025/05/20 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9798892790024


Attract, identify, and hire the right people.

When there's an opening on your team, filling it is never a quick or easy process. You're down a person, and yet the work doesn't stop. Managers have varying levels of company support for the recruiting and hiring process. There can be tons of bureaucracy and red tape--or minimal guidance, documentation, and support. How can you make the time to identify and address gaps in the skills and capabilities on your team and do all of the work it takes to ensure a fair and effective process is followed for finding the best person for the job . . . while continuing to meet the regular day-to-day demands of your job?

The HBR Guide to Better Recruiting and Hiring provides the practical tips, research, stories, and advice you need to successfully attract, identify, and hire people whose values, competency, and potential align with your team and your organization.

You'll learn how to:

  • Assess your team's current strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify the attributes and qualifications you need
  • Craft a compelling and accurate job description
  • Increase the size and quality of the candidate pool
  • Conduct productive and informative interviews
  • Assess cultural fit--and future performance
  • Mitigate bias in hiring practices
  • Make a fair and competitive offer
  • Negotiate with confidence

Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, with the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.

Harvard Business Review 作者作品表

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Managing Overthinking (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (Hardcover)

HBR Guide to Better Recruiting and Hiring (Hardcover)

Having Difficult Conversations (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (Paperback)

Managing Overthinking (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (Paperback)

Positivity and Growth (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (Hardcover)

People, Performance, and Succeeding as a Manager (HBR Work Smart Series) (Hardcover)

Writing, Presenting, and Communicating with Confidence (HBR Work Smart Series) (Hardcover)

The HBR Work Smart Boxed Set (6 Books) (Paperback)

The Year in Tech, 2025: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review (Hardcover)

Hbr's 10 Must Reads 2025: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (Hardcover)

Psychological Safety (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (Hardcover)

Overcoming Overwork (HBR Women at Work Series) (Hardcover)

HBR Guide to Leading Through Change (Hardcover)

Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Managing Projects and Initiatives (Hardcover)

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