Heavy Oceans (Hardcover)
作者: Tyler Jones 
書城編號: 27715437

原價: HK$280.00
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出版社: Ingspark
出版日期: 2023/12/07
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9781998851270


From Tyler Jones, author of MIDAS and BURN THE PLANS, one of Esquire's Best Horror Books of 2022, comes a story of deep sea terror and cosmic horror.

Struggling with the pressures of being a new father and the weight of regrets, Jamie Fletcher travels to Hawaii in hopes of connecting with his estranged brother, Eric.

After a shocking act of violence, the brothers end up on a fishing boat--along with the captain and his son--in the middle of the ocean, where they encounter an uncanny and terrifying phenomenon that will signal a shift in the evolution of the world.

Tyler Jones 作者作品表

Fish Out of Water: Axil the Axolotl is a highly sensitive kid who learns, at school, ways to accommodate his needs. (Hardcover)

Fish Out of Water: Axil the Axolotl is a highly sensitive kid who learns, at school, ways to accommodate his needs. (Paperback)

Heavy Oceans (Paperback)

Heavy Oceans (Paperback)

Heavy Oceans (Hardcover)

Bread Baking: best savory baking recipes (Paperback)

eBook: Heavy Oceans (DRM EPUB)

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